Here's my previous blog post about the project. I've been getting some new followers lately so I'll give a little summary: I just finished studying comics and illustration in Brussels, and for our Master's degree we had to come up with our own project, defend it and finish it as well as we could, under guidance of a few teachers. Most of the year was spent on my own though, since the purpose of a Master's degree is proving that you can work by yourself. It took me a while to really get going, but the finished book looks something like this:
The process to make these images is pretty tedious: I cut all the elements separately out of coloured paper, using any old blade and a cutting mat. details in pencil are drawn separately. I then scan all the separate elements and piece them together in Photoshop. Doing this digitally allows me to have the slightly overlapping edges and gives the thing an almost screenprinted look.
The entire story is 40 pages long, and tells the story of Josephine, a fictional seamstress living in a small town, somewhere in the past (it's obviously old-timey but in no way historically correct. I went for an atmosphere, not a historical document). She is incredibly shy, and prefers the world she created for herself in her daydreams over real connections with real people. But at one point reality catches up with her dreams and she is confronted by harsh reality.
Whew! That was a long post. I hope it didn't bore you! I posted this on my sewing blog because it's fairly obvious how this passion for sewing has influenced my work, and I thought some of you might enjoy this!
One thing my classmates and I did for the exhibition at the end of the school year was to make and sell postcards of our work. I was surprised at the positive response and decided to keep doing this! If you see an image you like and would want on a postcard, feel free to send me an e-mail at annekecaramin(at)hotmail(dot)com. Postcards are 10 x 15 cm (they fit into a standard envelope) and cost €2 each, plus postage! I ship worldwide!